Sunday, June 30, 2013

Perplexing questions of a motherhood persuasion.
Things like: 
Why does my child always poop right after I change his diaper? 
Why does he act like I am murdering him when I am clipping his nails or applying sunscreen? 
Why must he follow me around like a little tornado undoing any kind of cleaning/organizing I accomplish? 

But perhaps, the greatest question of them all is....

why does my child refuse to eat anything green, yet finds a handful of sand a delicious treat?

I have come to the conclusion that there are some things about these tiny people we will never come to understand. Until then, I will remind him, time after time, that sand is not an edible treat. He will inevitably sneak it when I am not looking....but at least I am doing what I can?

Ocean Shores Day 1 was a wet, misty adventure. Birds were chased. Sand was flung (and consumed) and boot prints made their appearance on a large square footage of the Ocean Shore Public Highway. He had a blast. 

    What do you mean it's time to go home, Mom?!


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