Monday, June 24, 2013

This thing I know: my son can create messy chaos in a matter of seconds. Seconds, people. 

And I wonder why I even clean? 

Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I don't. What exactly does it look like when a stay at home momma takes an afternoon off?

For me, it looks like this.

First, I start by cuddling my boy on a mattress we have laid on the floor. We read his books (Curious George and the Bunny is a MUST) and I try to keep him engaged as long as possible. He grabs his blanket (of which he calls his "bed") and his binky (of which I bend the no binky outside of crib rule for this special occasion) and we snuggle up together. There is lots of tickling and giggles and kisses and it makes my mommy heart so full. So, so full.

And then he finds a ball and throws it against the wall for a half hour. And I pull out my camera. Because sports to him is photography to me and it fills us with happiness deep down to our soul. And we live together as we enjoy what we love. 

That was my afternoon "off" from cleaning and responsibility. It was well spent. 

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