Dear Kellen,
Recently you have been through some hard times that have made you question characteristics about yourself and who you are as a person. I am writing to tell you, as your wife, the person who knows you best out of anyone in the entire world, what I perceive you to be. I have had many, many countless conversations with close women in our lives (because we like to talk- that's what we do) and some guys too about who you are, Kellen. And they all have one thing in common: you are, by no doubt, an amazing man. You are a caring, loving and true friend. You put others before yourself in almost all situations. You are the give-the-shirt-off-your-own back kind of person who has a deep concern for others feelings. Anyone who knows you, and truly knows you, knows this.
No one else but me knows the kind of husband you truly are. Sure, we have our problems, as all marriages do. But at the end of the day, no one else sees the true effort you make to make sure this marriage will last. You are willing to change and grow, always for the purpose of growing together, and I can not acknowledge my appreciation for that quality enough. It is because of this I can say without a doubt that you and I will always be together.
You are, without a doubt, the hardest working, most determined person I know. You are committed to everything you set your mind to. You will succeed because of this. There is no doubt in my mind that if you set a goal for yourself, you will achieve it. And I will be there to cheer you on, each step of the way.
You light up a room. Seriously. I don't know how else to describe your energy. You are the life of the party. You are so very loved.
Do not ever let people who do not know who you truly are get you down. Those who know you Kellen, know these things. They love you for exactly who you are. They will embrace you because they know you are one of kind and the kind of friend that will stick around for the long haul.
I am honored to be your wife. I am excited to grow old with you. Thanks for sticking with me, too :)
Love you, forever,
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