This is the stuff of summer. This is the stuff where memories are made.
This was a busy weekend for us, full of traveling, family, and the usual grandparent spoilage overload. Haden has found himself the new owner of a Thomas the Train bubble blower, of which he decided each member of our family must spend time viewing and laughing at his attempts to tickle them with bubbles.
Also pictured below is Haden's friend Dazzle, my mom's dog who he somewhat tortures by throwing random objects at, yet she still continues to be a willing participant at his multiple games of chase around the kitchen island.
I also had to sneak in a picture of my Sadie Quinn and her handsome cousin Cohen. Love watching their little friendship blossom as each new stage of babyhood progresses! Right now that friendship is mainly centered on Cohen using her headband as a rubber band sling shot against her head, allowing her to use his fingers as a teething toy, or using her head to learn what the word "gentle" means. She doesn't seem to mind though....after all, her big brother gives her a run for her money daily. :)
This was a busy weekend for us, full of traveling, family, and the usual grandparent spoilage overload. Haden has found himself the new owner of a Thomas the Train bubble blower, of which he decided each member of our family must spend time viewing and laughing at his attempts to tickle them with bubbles.
Also pictured below is Haden's friend Dazzle, my mom's dog who he somewhat tortures by throwing random objects at, yet she still continues to be a willing participant at his multiple games of chase around the kitchen island.
I also had to sneak in a picture of my Sadie Quinn and her handsome cousin Cohen. Love watching their little friendship blossom as each new stage of babyhood progresses! Right now that friendship is mainly centered on Cohen using her headband as a rubber band sling shot against her head, allowing her to use his fingers as a teething toy, or using her head to learn what the word "gentle" means. She doesn't seem to mind though....after all, her big brother gives her a run for her money daily. :)
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