Thursday, September 12, 2013

Terrific Twos

Two Year Olds. 


I have on my hands, what many have referred to as a "strong willed child." Hmm. At what point I ever thought Kellen and I would create anything different than just that, I'm not sure. In fact, when I'm in a really good mood and things have not gone so horribly wrong that day, I even might laugh about it. The other day I looked over at Kellen and said "Now I know EXACTLY what you were like as a kid" and he said "and you think you werent just as bad?!?!"

God bless our mamas.

In all seriousness, two is such a fun age. Challenging. But still fun.....(insert fake cheesy smile now)

Haden has now discovered a very clear way to express his dislike. He still has yet to pick up the word "don't" so his new saying of discontentment is yelling "I LIKE IT!!!!" in a very angry tone. This, of course, actually means he really does not like whatever it happens to be. Which, 99% of the time is something we are asking him to do or not do, eat or not eat, or just pretty much our involvement in general. It's the age of independence, people! Didn't you know two year olds can take care of themselves? 

Outings have been limited these days to only controlled situations, in which said toddler can be strapped down/harnessed/fenced in/leashed up (just kidding on that last one but I've considered it). 

To make things super fun, Sadie Quinn is officially mobile! Thank goodness "mobile" just means pudging around the house on her belly at a snail pace. Any faster and I may have a mini heart attack. Oh wait, that's coming. EEEEK.

So of course I find it ironic after making my post about choosing happiness last week that this has been one of my most challenging weeks yet of having two. Humbly reminded yet again I can not do this alone. I am so thankful for friends, family, and especially a God who promises to help to carry my burdens when I am weak. 

 My happy boy. SO I may or may not have bribed him with "nummies" (gummy vitamins) to get this smile. I have been banned from bribing though, so no more nummy bribery around here!
 Said nummies. Kid goes crazy over these things.

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