It's September 1st and I can't even begin to think that Haden will be 2.5 this month! Life is speeding by and we are having a blast with so many adventures. Recently Haden has begun watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and loves, loves, loves it. In fact, he calls it "pirateship!" and asks for it almost daily. So we were excited tonight to discover a local park that has a play structure shaped like a pirateship! It's funny that we've lived here for this long and never knew about it. Haden had a blast climbing up and down and it was fun to see him "make friends" with another little girl there. Speaking of, Haden has taking a strong liking to the female type... i.e. pointing at and yelling "girls!" whenever he sees them in public. Um...what does this tell me?! You are two, kid!! Sheesh.
If you heard a little voice yelling "AHOY!" over, and over, and over again tonight over the Puget was probably this kid.

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