I decide its finally time for bed since my child free time has been successful. I feel so tired.
I have just drifted off into a peaceful and superb state of sleep. Baby
wakes up for first feeding. The thought of coffee in the morning is my
only real motivation at this point and with that thought alone I roll out of bed to go to her.
Baby heard some distracting
noises from outside her room. She assumed this must mean it is play
time. She is now wide awake, cooing loudly and slapping my face with her
uncoordinated movements. I decide right then and there it is time to
sleep train her. I put her in her crib and stand outside her door.
has been crying for two minutes now. I start to think about how awful
of a mother I am and have spent the past two minutes Googling random
parenting advice on my phone. I immediately regret any parenting
decision I've ever made and am completely convinced I have done
permanent emotional damage. I give in and go in to get her.
Baby has finally decided it is time to sleep. I lay her down and
quickly escape the room with ninja like moves hoping I make little to no
sound. I return to my room to see my husband has starfished himself
across our queen bed and is snoring loudly. I take the two feet of open space to one side,
maneuver myself into a tiny ball and fall fast asleep.
Baby wakes for next feeding. I am in zombie mode so likely I am not
100% aware of what is happening but somehow we all survive.
(aka unknown to author) time, though somewhere in the early morning
Husbands alarm goes off for work. If he wakes sleeping baby there
will be serious repercussions. (Thoughts are being censored as it is
highly unlikely I will actually act on any of them and it should be
stated that I never in any circumstance condone domestic violence)
Toddler's turn to wake up today. I am surely convinced they discuss
who's turn it will be to wake early in the morning in order to make sure
they never allow me to ever sleep in. One seems to take night shift and
the other early morning. Their tag team system works like a well oiled
I finally emerge from bed to shower after hearing my name shouted exactly 327 times from the other room.
I go to fetch yelling toddler from bed since he's been shouting that he
wants to get out for 30 minutes now. I go to get him and he refuses to
be picked up out of his crib.
Toddler asks for eggs for breakfast 237 times, while simultaneously
getting into several things he shouldn't be doing and demanding that he
eats right now. Several attempts at time outs are made. I finish eggs.
Toddler now wants oatmeal instead.
I sit down to drink my beloved coffee. Baby wakes up.
return to coffee. It is cold. I chug it anyway. I plan out my day,
revolving around the way in which I can coordinate their naps. The
thought of a potential coordinated nap where I can rest too is my only
gem of motivation amongst pure exhaustion before the caffeine kicks in.
My toddler refuses to get dressed. I must physically pin him down to dress him so we can get out the door.
Arrive to park. Attempt to talk to other moms to relate and keep my sanity.
Caffeine has hit it's pinnacle point and I am fully convinced I will
clean my entire house once we get home during their coordinated nap
Kids are down for a nap. I have abandoned all hopes of cleaning and have resorted to lying in my bed in an exhaustion comatose. Caffeine has worn off.
I drift off.
Awoken by toddler yelling who likely never actually fell asleep anyway.
A 20 minute nap will suffice and if I am lucky said toddler will
finally fall asleep.
I have struck the mommy jackpot today. Both children are asleep and I am rejuvenated from my 20 minute power nap. I could conquer the world.
I take one step into my living room and abandon any idea I had about cleaning the house. Will revisit that thought in 18 years.
To be continued...someday...when I find the time....
This is amazing. Because even though I know exactly how tired you are and exactly what this feels like, you still seem to have joy in the way you write. You know this will not last and someday, you will be able to look back at this secretly laughing as your daughter tells you how exhausted she is with her newborn! My mom laughs out loud at me all the time :)