Saturday, December 14, 2013

Don't think. Just do.

If you haven't gotten a chance to check out my first post on Advent, click here to get caught up.

If I could break down for you exactly what's been rumbling around in my head this Advent season, I would break it down into four little words for you:

Don't think. Just do.

Here's what I've discovered:

This simple way of thinking is the easiest way to give.

So, let's say you feel a sudden tug at your heart, or a little voice in you head that whispers a way to bless someone.

When it comes to giving:
Don't think. Just do. 

Why and how did I come across this little tag line? Well, it began as a thought regarding a specific act of kindness I was feeling called to. I didn't "just do" that time. Instead, I started to think about it. And then I thought about it somewhere. And some more. And then I started over thinking it. 

Quickly, that over thinking turned into something selfish. It became

I began to build a wall of excuses between being a blessing to someone else and benefiting myself. 

I recently talked about how I like to visualize lessons in my life. So if you're following me, you're visualing this "wall of excuses" I put up (and let me tell you- that wall was built really quickly!). 

Visualize then with me my tool belt- which I have equipped with tools I have acquired (and continue to acquire) through self reflection and ever revolving, never ending journey to maturity. 

By God's grace one of those tools is a wall-demo-ing mabobber (my carpenter husband would be so proud of my tool naming abilities).

It's not always easy, but this time I was able to catch it before that wall grew too tall. I knocked down that wall and I grabbed hold of that opportunity. 

This Advent- when you feel that little whisper- don't build that wall. Don't even lay one brick. 

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