Asking for help. This is a lesson that God has been working and developing in me for several years now. Since the day I became a mother, it became very clear to me quickly that humbling myself enough to admit I can not do it all alone was going to be a part, if not several parts, of each day from there on out.
Recently, the words "ask for help" continue to find a front page in my day to day life. My church is currently going through a series called "community: no one does the mission alone." A good friend of mine who I have heard several times speak thanks for her support with raising her son, in which she references the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child." a Facebook group which I've recently joined that's entire goal is encouraging and cultivating community by simply giving freely to each other-whether that be physical items, time, resources....the list goes on.
I have found myself in awe over the way in which social media has helped to cultivate this sense of community and given us a new platform to ask for help. It really is a blessing and just another reason why I continue to be thankful for the age we live in.
If you are friends with me in any sense, you will see that I do ask for help. I admit, with no hesitation, that I can not do this life alone (especially life as a mother to two young ones). I don't really struggle with what people might think like I used to. I've come to a place where I hope to have people in my life who can see that I need support, be understanding when I ask, and have boundaries to say no when they can't. Boundaries and the ability to say "no" when you simply can not help is beneficial to all. A person who asks for help with a true, mature, and respectful heart will know that.
I write this all to say that if you are in my life and you need help, please ask. You can not do this life alone, nor we're you created to. God created us to live in community with one another, and to help each other when we need it. We simply may not know what you need until you ask.There isn't shame in humbling yourself to a place where you can do that. We all need help, some more than others.
My goal is to continue to pray a simple prayer in which God will help me to discern what others may need help with, but also give me the ability to create healthy boundaries too.
How can you ask for help today?
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